
I’m Daphne, which you might’ve guessed from my blog title. And some of you know me, and some of you don’t, and some of you may be wondering…. Why a travel blog, why me, and why now, when there are two million travel bloggers already out there? (Btw, that’s a totally real number that I just made up. Lol)

Well, I absolutely love to travel. I love adventure, and exploring new places. I love having my hair blown back, and my mind blown. I love gasping at unbelievable sights, eating foods that make my tastebuds dance, and meeting awesome people from varied cultures and backgrounds. And I absolutely love taking photos and telling stories of the amazingness I encounter. I see beauty everywhere, and it seems selfish to just keep it for myself.  I’ve read dozens of travel blogs over the years, and they have helped me tremendously when I plan my own trips, and I want to be able to help others plan their future adventures, through the things I’ve seen and learned on my own journeys. For some, planning a trip can be a daunting and overwhelming task that they dread. But for me, planning is an exciting part of the trip itself. It builds anticipation and excitement, and gives me something to look forward to each day, in the weeks or months leading up to the final trip. I do a lot of planning and research for my trips, and I figure that if I’ve already done all that work, someone else could possibly benefit from the time I’ve already put in, and it could help make their journey easier and more fulfilling.

My blog is just simply about sharing the beauty and joy I’ve been lucky enough to witness firsthand…. telling it like I see it, and showing it through the eyes of my lens. Maybe it will help you plan your own adventures, or maybe it will just give you a glimpse into some of the beauty you didn’t even know was out there.

That’s the main reason. And the other is, …. it’s never too late to do something that makes you feel good! I want to leave my son knowing that, and seeing that his Mom truly lived by those words.

I hope you enjoy the blog. And if not, no problem! Just subscribe and pretend you do, until I write something that you eventually like. 😉

The tiny dancer behind the blogger

I love Nutella. With a spoon. I love movies. Especially the romantic sappy kind. Or thrillers. Provided there’s a romance in there somewhere. I love to dance. I used to be a professional ballet dancer. But I really love to shake a tail feather too. I love adventure. Especially the traveling kind. I love my family. And my wonderful friends. I love to give gifts to people. Sometimes I buy Christmas presents already in February. I like to cook. But I love watching a real chef in action. Top chef rocks. I bake a mean brownie. I am even better at eating them than I am at baking them. I love amusement parks. The faster the roller coaster the better. Pink cotton candy is my favorite. I love the beach. I worship the sun. I love creativity. I love love love photography. I love how it can inspire. I love the smiles a photograph can bring to people’s faces. I love it if I am able to do that for someone.

Photography and Writing

Travel photography is my passion, although I earn my living through portrait photography, and the occasional commercial shoot. And while I’m definitely not a writer by trade, I love to write, and being a photographer, that’s one thing that I don’t get to dabble in all that much. When I’m on vacations, I absolutely love to take photos and capture a single framed image of something that I want to remember forever. But as I’m walking around these various cities, towns, cliffs, beaches, I actually narrate what I’m seeing in my head, and come up with tag lines as I’m taking photos. That may sound really odd, but trust me I don’t do it because any part of my brain thinks it’s cool. Lol. It’s completely nerdy, but I can’t help it. I love clichés and puns and play on words. Wit is incredibly sexy to me, and I would happily die the sexiest woman in the world!

I hope that I can share some of my joy with you, and if you have any suggestions of how I can improve, I’d always love to hear from you!
